Resident Council
Here at the William A. “Bill” George Extended Care Facility, we have a Residents’ Council. Residents’ councils are mandatory in all long-term care homes here in Ontario.
What is a Residents’ Council?
A Residents’ Council is an independent, self-determining group made up of only residents of a long-term care home. The Council is intended and designed to form the collective voice of all residents who reside in the LTC home, whether or not they attend meetings. All residents have the right to participate in the Residents’ Council. Find out more at http://ontarc.com/.
What do they do?
The Residents’ Council, perhaps with an elected Executive or Leadership Team, meets regularly to provide advice and recommendations to the licensee (in this case, SLMHC) regarding what the residents would like to see done to improve care or the quality of life in the home, and to provide peer to peer support.
Residents’ Councils also meet to exercise several powers including, but not limited to sponsoring and planning activities, collaborating with community groups, reviewing the financial documents and operations of the LTC home, and attempting to resolve disputes.
Through the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007, every licensee of a long-term care home must ensure that a Residents’ Council is established at the home. Every licensee of a long-term care home must also appoint a Residents’ Council Assistant who is acceptable to that council to assist the Residents’ Council.