Ambulatory Care
Our specialty clinics and day medicine program operate out of our Ambulatory Care clinic. This multi-purpose clinic provides medical and surgical treatments to patients who don’t require hospital admission. It allows patients to have timely access to necessary procedures, treatments and diagnostic tests.
All services in this clinic are provided through a referral from your healthcare provider (your doctor or nurse practitioner) or through another physician such as a doctor in our Emergency Department.
We provide the following services in our Ambulatory Care/Day Medicine clinic:
- Colposcopy
- Cystoscopy (Urology)
- Colonoscopy
- Otolaryngology (head and neck surgery)
- Fracture Clinic (in our Rehabilitation department)
- Medical-Surgical (Minor Medical/Surgical Procedures)
- Ophthalmology
- Blood work and other lab services (through our Laboratory Department)
- Wound care
- Medication infusions and blood product administration
Speak with your healthcare provider about these services offered here at SLMHC.
If you have questions about an upcoming appointment or procedure, please call our Main Switchboard at (807) 737-3030.