Visitor Restrictions Updated at SLMHC
Due to an increase in the number of COVID-19 positive cases across the region, Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre (SLMHC) is updating its visitor restrictions today, effective 9 p.m. this evening.
“We understand this isn’t ideal for our patients and family members, however it’s important that with the increased number of cases in the region that we do our part in keeping everyone as safe as possible,” says Heather Lee, President and CEO of SLMHC. “We thank everyone for their patience as we recognize this week marks one year since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. It’s been a long year, but we join our partners in recognizing that while the vaccine rollout in Canada brings a sense of hope for the future, we must continue to practice public health recommendations.”
Until further notice, all visitors and essential care partners are restricted with the following exceptions.
- Palliative Care Patients: One (1) Essential Care Partner: At the approval of the CEO, and in consultation with the patient’s nurse or physician, exceptions may be made for imminently dying patients to have other immediate family in the room.
- Labouring and post-partum patients admitted to the Maternity Unit may have one (1) Essential Care Partner.
- Pediatric patients (18 years or less) may have one (1) Essential Care Partner
- Residents at the William A. George Extended Care facility may have one essential care partner. Visits still need to be scheduled in advance and new testing guidelines apply.
Also due to the increase in COVID-19 cases in our region, we are reminding those looking for COVID-19 testing to contact our Assessment Centre at 737-5880 to book an appointment. The Assessment Centre is receiving a high volume of calls so we remind the public to leave your name and phone number so we can call you back to book your appointment.
For all information about how COVID-19 is impacting our services and policies at SLMHC, please visit For general information about COVID-19, including directions on self-isolation, self-monitoring, testing results, the rollout of the vaccine, and public health best practices, visit