SLMHC to impose smoking and vaping ban from entire hospital grounds April 1, 2017
On November 23, 2015, the Ontario government filed regulations under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act and the Electronic Cigarettes Act. The regulations came into force on January 1, 2016.
The current regulations ban smoking on all hospital grounds subject to certain exceptions available for a two-year period. Specifically, hospitals are only permitted to have Designated Smoking Areas (DSA) if:
1. the hospital board has provided for the DSA on the grounds;
2. the DSA is not within nine meters of any entrance or exit;
3. the DSA is identified by one or more signs; and
4. the DSA is otherwise compliant with other provisions of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act or Electronic Cigarettes Act and the associated regulations.
In keeping with SLMHC’s vision to be a Centre of Excellence in First Nations and northern health care by working together to improve the health status of individuals, families and communities now and for generations to come, we are preempting the Smoke-Free Ontario Act and the Electronic Cigarettes Act.
Starting April 1, 2017 no person shall be permitted to smoke tobacco or e-cigarettes within the boundaries of SLMHC’s hospital grounds. This applies to patients, visitors, staff and contractors and also prohibits people from smoking within their vehicles on SLMHC’s grounds. There is an exemption for the use of tobacco during Traditional Healing & Medicine ceremonies within SLMHC’s Chief Sakatcheway Andaaw’iwewigamik Ceremonial Room. If a person is observed smoking on hospital property, warnings and/or charges will be issued.
SLMHC continues to offer support to patients and staff to wish to quit smoking.
© 2025 Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre