Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

When you are a patient you can expect to be treated with respect and dignity in a safe and comfortable environment. Your health care team will work with you to personalize your care plan to help you move through the system in a coordinated way. Most patients and families welcome and understand policies that promote safety, quality and infection control. Here at SLMHC, we are happy to share our Statement of Patient/Clients’ and Health Care Providers’ Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.

Right # 1         As a client, you have a right to receive medical care in a safe, wholistic and culturally sensitive health care facility.

Client Responsibility

  • You have the responsibility to inform the hospital staff if you do not understand or cannot follow the health care instructions provided to you.
  • You have the responsibility to inform the health care team of your wish to receive complimentary health care services that address your spiritual, emotional and cultural needs.

Health Care Provider Responsibility

  • We have the responsibility to provide appropriate translation services which allows you to communicate in your own language.
  • We have the responsibility to educate ourselves, so that we may be better able to offer culturally sensitive care.

Right # 2         As a client, you have the right to receive clear answers to your questions and full explanations about all aspects of your care, in order that you may make informed decisions & choices about your care and to actively participate in the decision making process.

Client Responsibility

  • You have the responsibility to communicate accurately and truthfully, information that will assist the health care team in addressing your health care concerns.
  • You have the responsibility to be accessible to your health care provider at all times during your admission.

Health Care Provider Responsibility

  • We have the responsibility to offer a safe and welcoming environment that encourages you to freely express concerns and feelings regarding your care.
  • We have the responsibility to introduce ourselves to clients, informing them of our name and role in the delivery of their health care.
  • We have the responsibility to ask appropriate questions in order to obtain relevant information.
  • We have the responsibility to inform clients of all information necessary to make an informed choice.

To provide clear answers and full explanations to client questions and concerns regarding all aspects of care.

Right # 3         As a client, you have the right to receive timely quality care and treatment in an accredited facility that employs qualified health care professionals.

Client Responsibility

  • You have the responsibility to take a pro-active role in developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • You have the responsibility to participate in decision making regarding the course of care provided.
  • You have the responsibility to be accountable for health outcomes related to self-imposed actions or decisions.
  • You have the responsibility to express concerns and opinions without the fear of prejudice or discrimination.

Health Care Provider Responsibility

  • We have the responsibility to provide the most appropriate, planned, and coordinated care that can be offered.
  • We have the responsibility to ensure the health care team follows and maintains current professional standards of care.
  • We have the responsibility to deliver health care in an environment that ensures compliance with legislated health and safety standards.
  • We have the responsibility to provide clients and families with information relating to the complaint process, if applicable.

Right # 4         As a client, you have the right to privacy, confidentiality and the right to access health records and communications pertaining to your care.

Client Responsibility

  • You are entitled to privacy and confidentiality when discussing your health issues with a caregiver.
  • You are entitled to review your health records, on request, in consultation with your health care provider.

Health Care Provider Responsibility

  • We have the responsibility to ensure your health information is kept in a secure and confidential area.
  • We have the responsibility to maintain confidentiality of patient information in all forms (written/verbal), at all times and in all places within the organization.
  • We have the responsibility to obtain your permission to communicate information relevant to your health care management, to anyone not directly involved in your care.
  • We have the responsibility to provide you access to your health record when requested, in accordance with facility procedures.

Right # 5         As a client, you have the right to be informed in a timely fashion, of all expenses not covered by OHIP and/or NIHB that will be incurred by your health care at the hospital.

Client Responsibility

  • You have the responsibility to be aware of and make decisions about all expenses not covered through OHIP and/or Non Insured Health Benefits.

Health Care Provider Responsibility

  • We have the responsibility to inform you of all expenses not covered by OHIP and/or Non Insured Health Benefits during your care at the hospital.

Right # 6         As a client, you have the right to be informed of opportunities which enable you to participate in research for the betterment and future advancement of health care.

Client Responsibility

  • You have the responsibility to follow through on the plan of care agreed upon, in consultation with your health care provider, in order to maximize positive outcomes for your health and assist in the collection of reliable research information.

Health Care Provider Responsibility

  • We have the responsibility to ensure that your participation in research opportunities is informed and voluntary.

Questions? Visit our Patient Feedback page to submit your feedback, or speak to any health care provider here at SLMHC.